Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Dude, if those weather things are accurate, it's HOT in Iraq! Right now it's 55 degrees here (granted, it is still morning), but it's almost 8:00pm there and it's 93 degrees! You must be scorching there, Daniel. I feel for you. No wonder you love your A/C so much. :)


  1. Yes it WAS toasty, but we got a little rain yesterday and totally cooled things down. Rain in May? It never happens. Something weird is going on. Global warming maybe. The end of the world is coming! :)

  2. Maybe global warming? I think it's pretty evident that that is well on it's way. The interesting thing will be which comes first - destruction by global warming or destruction by second coming? Maybe it'll be a tie. :) Glad things cooled down for you!
