Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Breast feeding

I not only have to support my wife on this, I am proud to support her on this. In 1955 when Rosa Parks took a seat at the front of the bus and refused to move, she set a very important change in motion. At the time it was unthinkable to let a black person (much less a black woman) sit anywhere but the back of the bus. Today it is unthinkable to force anyone to sit in a second class spot because of their race.
It was mentioned that until our culture changes women should relegate themselves to feeding their children on toilets if need be. Our coulter will ever change if no one ever challenges it to. We live in a country with more censorship than 90% of the rest of the world and we have a bigger problem with pornography they many of these other countries do. Perhaps the reason that we see mothers breast feeding in the wrong light is because they hide it like it is pornography. Perhaps the reason we have problems with pornography is that we never see women use their body in a respectable and meaningful way that could show us that there is more to a woman than just a sex toy.
We can put up double the size of life posters of anorexic models with breast implants wearing less than an ounce of clothing in the malls where children shop with parents and teenagers spend all day; we show commercials during children’s TV time which show women naked from their toes to halfway up their butt and from an inch above that to their breasts. We send junk mail to family homes advertising women’s underwear with models displaying the product just like they do on large posters in Wal-Mart, Target and JC Penny. Than we ask the only women left in this world who seam to be doing the right thing with their breasts to hide, to take a back seat, to wait for a society that can’t go 20 miles or 10 minutes in any direction without celebrating silicone Suzie in larger than life glory showing more boob than a naked women could with a child attached to it.
We have a friend who told Sara how great her implants were even though she wasn’t able to breast feed because of them. “It’s totally worth it. You should get them!” she told Sara.
I am so glad that Sara is secure enough with herself to put her child above a cultural paradigm about a woman’s value in our society. I think that of all places, the church that professes to be the true church of God, with modern guidance from on High, should be the place that accepts a woman using her body as God himself designed it to be used. Can we really tell a woman who honors the body God gave her in the way He intended that she can’t benefit from the spirit in His meeting houses? Can we tell her she cannot renew her baptismal covenant because the deacons don’t bring the sacrament into the women’s bathroom? Is it fair to say that because you have fulfilled one of Gods first commandments, you have to go to another room? Perhaps we should call that room “Patmos,” no matter how nice it is. If you are exiled for doing what is best for your child, and what God designed you to do in the way He intended you to do it than I don’t know what kind hypocrisy to expect next!
If Sara stopped going to church because she was offended by this, than people would say “no one can offend you. You can only choose to be offended.” Fair enough but aren’t you trying to say that Gods plan for mothers is offending to you? If you are offended by the correct use of women’s breast than I have to question where you are getting your opinion on breasts and if I should respect that opinion? Is it from the magnificent portrayal of love, nurture and virtue of a mother or from those posters at Victoria’s Secret across for Kidz ‘R’ Us at the mall?
I think we need just as many nursing moms in open view as we have depictions of sex toy bimbos if we ever expect “our” culture to have any hope of the male curiosity to discover what boobs are really all about. Maybe if they got a 50-50 chance to decide they would choose a view with a little more respect a little more often, but probably not. You would need a 99-1% view ability for God’s intended use to come out above Victoria’s (by the way, her secret is that they aren’t really as big as they look in that bra. Deception is of the devil!)
I have gained so much appreciation for mothers and women as I have watched Sara become such a good mother and caringly put my son’s needs before anyone else’s. It makes me want to show her to the whole world so they can see how wonderful a real women is. They would forget all about the porn star of the week and gain so much respect for women that improper images would make them weep out of sadness that anyone is still missing the idea of what God really created women to do and be.


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