Monday, September 29, 2008


So, I think it's pretty much decided that Christmas will be at Mom and Dad's house. All those in favor say "Aye!"

So, what I need to know is if I can come a week early and offer my photographic services to friends and family who may so want to take advantage, whilst Daniel, Joseph, Mom and Dad watch over my sweet little guys during the hours I'm gone. All in favor, say "cheese!"

Mom, do you think you could raid DI for some 4T and 2T snow clothes for the boys?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Going Public

So, we're going public. I've taken off the password protection as per the request of a few extended family members who would like to see our family's goings on. I figured there could be no harm as we hardly ever update this blog with posts anyway. Would anyone care to opine one way or the other?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Blog Overhaul

Hey everyone! I overhauled the family blog so that it would look a bit more up-to-date. How do you like it? We haven't been using it much, but I'm hoping that will change now that Mom and Dad have made their way back to civilization. :) I'm looking forward to our upcoming reunion. In fact, I can't seem to stop calling Mom and Dad and Daniel. I find myself making up excuses to call them and then I feel stupid when there's nothing really to talk about. :) I think my brain is already in Utah and my body has been left behind on auto pilot. Sara, you're making your way out there on the 1st right? That's just next week. I'm jealous! Daniel, I know I just talked to you yesterday, but do you have any hot dates lined up since then? Do you feel the pressure? I think I just like hounding you because there's not much new going on in my own life and here you are, fresh out of Iraq, ready to make memories...memories that I want to hear about before they can be categorized as memories forever. :) Anyway, now I'm rambling. Welcome back to the Ogden Family Blog everybody!