Friday, May 4, 2007


I like bosoms. :-)

Now you get to hear the opinion of the expert.........the only single person in this debate.

Since you have all decided to use the other names for the two female protrusions, I shall use "bosoms."

Maybe all parties are a little guilty here. Maybe the mothers are two prideful to cover up their bosoms and try to be really modest, not just "somewhat" modest. Why are you trying to force people to "get used to something natural?" It is NOT natural (in the States) to bare the bosoms in public. I "naturally" have to use the bathroom five times a day, but you don't see me whipping out "Daniel Jr." to relieve myself on the grass in the public park just because I want to make everyone else get used to it. We have certain traditions in our society and right now most of society (and I could probably say most mothers too) seems to think that mothers should cover up while bosom-feeding their babies..........but it's ok to wear a thong at the pool. :) I know, how ironic. So I'm going with Mom on this one. More modest is better. Ahhh, but you say, "Daniel is neither married nor has he any idea what it's like to bosom-feed." And I say, "Darn tootin." I will be married some day........and Praise Allah I won't have to bosom-feed.

Oh, did I mention that you'll never see a bosom around here? Women bosom-feed out at the clinic, and when they do the whole baby disappears under 20 yards of clothing. :) That's not a good example though because Islam is full of hypocrisy when it comes to modesty in dress. As long as you cover your hair you can wear the tightest shirt and jeans you want and you'll still be modest.

Now what about those guys at Church who can't control their eyes? I think they are making a huge deal out of nothing. Bosom-feeding is most definitely NOT sexy........and this is coming from a 27-year-old male with raging hormones who, in Biblical language, has never "known" a woman. A woman bosom-feeding in public (if she is not covered up) will probably attract a few glances (because again, according to current customs it is NOT natural for a mother to expose herself in the United States), but most people will then move their eyes elsewhere and not think twice about it.

In conclusion, to Lizzie and Sara I would say that if you feel good about not covering up too much while bosom-feeding, do it!

Mom, you are fighting a losing battle, but keep fighting. I'm on your side........except when Brother "easy-eyes willie" is staring at either of my sisters and complaining about a little skin when he should be staring at the pulpit and paying attention to the lesson/talk!!

Jarem and Dan, you are doing your duty and supporting your wives.....good job.

Dad, don't think that your "silence" tactic has gone unnoticed. You are the smart one here. Better to avoid confrontation with either your wife or daughters rather than create a burning in their bosom(s).

I used the word "bosom" 14 times in this blog.


  1. Yeah for Daniel! I wondered if anyone would see it my way. Besides, you girls just wait until the baby gets to the point (Ha, punny) of gripping your breast between his gums then whipping around to see what's going on stretching the breast from here to timbuktu. Not only does he disrupt the meeting with the display but your yowls of pain cause a ruckus. Do as the Muslims do and go under some yards of cloth.

  2. Ha ha ha! This is hilarious! Daniel should be the one writing books! I agree with you that Americans aren't accustomed to public breastfeeding displays, but I think that they need to become so, and the only way for that to happen, is to keep doing it. So, I will. :) And Mom, my boys have already done that, but I'm always right there with my shirt to cover up while they're checking things out elsewhere. Anders is the worst with that! Nothing will stop me! According to Daniel...I'm too "prideful." :) Ta ta.

  3. I am confused: "to Lizzie and Sara I would say that if you feel good about not covering up too much while bosom-feeding, do it!" "Mom, you are fighting a losing battle, but keep fighting. I'm on your side . . . ." Whose side are you really on? I think you are a master at walking the line.

  4. Marcia,
    Thanks for the visual on the mega stretchy boob problem. Ya, not sexy at all!

  5. Hehe, you're right Dan, I am walking the line. :) I don't really care either way. I'm defending both sides. The real question is...when are we going to see the "double bosom-feed", with one on each side?
