Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Sara the shrew

Is it bad that I want to water board my own child? Jude smeared POO all over himself, the walls, the new rug (because he already destroyed the old rug with, yep, you guessed it, poo), the bed sheets, bed posts, etc. And the came out of his "nap" wanting to hug me with those poo arms....
Well, I ate Irish oatmeal for breakfast, a peanut butter and honey on wheat bread sandwich with nut chips and Greek yogurt for lunch, and hopefully panda express and baskin Robbins ice-cream for dinner! Probably I'll get more casserole from last night....sigh.

Hey, I just realized what an international day of food I had...hehe.


  1. Who was watching Jude while he was doing all of that? Wow, that's discouraging.

  2. Oh, that was during Jude's nap time! His door was closed, and he was super quiet- I thought he was sleeping. By the way, we did get Panda Express! But we skipped the ice-cream.
