Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Johnny hints

I made a discovery here about keeping your toilets clean. I had always been disappointed that my toilets at home didn't smell that good in spite of cleaning them. I discovered why, here.

This toilet we have is quiet. We can flush it at night without waking each other up. Perhaps this is not a problem for the rest of you since you are young and don't get up at night to piddle. It will become a problem I guarantee, unless you read The China Study and start eating correctly. I'm distracted.

We never flushed the toilet back home at night because it sounded like a 747 taking off and woke up everyone including guests. The secret to good smelling toilets is to flush them at night, too. Don't ever leave urine in the toilets. The odor must seep into the hinges and seats.

Also, I take 30 seconds every morning to swish out the bowl with the brush and some cleanser. I wipe down the rim and seat with a disinfectant. It works, no more smelly toilets. Shirley Hone pours clorox all over her toilets once a week if you want to try that. Mom


  1. That's funny! This post was posted as dko, but Mom signed it. When I first started reading it, I thought it sounded more like Mom's writing, and then I was like, "what the heck, why is Dad writing about toilets?" I was pretty sure his household duties were limited to vacuuming and dusting. :) I always go to the bathroom during the night, multiple times. Guess I don't have the stinky toilet problem. :)

  2. Hey! Let everyone think it's DKO; I need all the credit I can get.

  3. Dad cleaned everything- are you kidding? He was Mr. Clean it. I need to put pictures on here of my messy, messy house. Then everybody can be grossed out. :)
