Friday, April 16, 2010


Look what Elder Oaks says in his April Ensign article on the Atonement and faith: "Remember that our Savior Jesus Christ always builds us up and never tears us down. We should apply the power of that example in the ways we use our time, including our recreation and our diversions. Consider the themes of the books, magazines, movies, television shows, and music we in the world have made popular by our patronage. Do the things portrayed in our chosen entertainment build up or tear down the children of God?"

Notice the word "themes" (that I bolded)? That applies directly to me and the movies I watch. In the past I have always justified watching edited movies (ANY edited movies) simply because they were edited. More and more I have realized that just because they are edited, that doesn't mean they are clean. Many of Hollywood's themes really do tear us down. I'm going to be more careful about the edited movies I choose to buy.

No, that post doesn't have anything to do with my scripture reading. I'm still trying to find something interesting to share. :)


  1. Reading the conference talks is the same as reading scripture. I couldn't agree more with your statement about themes. I quit watching all edited R-rated movies for that reason - too depressing, or violent, or suggestive.

    You all would like High Noon - a really good story and not cheesy like so many older movies.

  2. It's the whole "good, better, best" dilemma. I'm trying to remember this very thing as I build my homeschooling library to start homeschooling the boys in the Fall. I want to give them a solid, Christian-based education using only the best of materials in all subjects - materials which build, rather than undermine, their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Some might say this is indoctrination at its worst, but I say it's indoctrination at its BEST! :D

    I like this "random" post, Danielson. You should do it again. :D

    Mom, what is High Noon about? Is it an old Hollywood classic? Who are the actors/actresses?
