Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was reading in Alma 4 today verse 9. I noticed that pride was increasing among the members of the church. It states that their pride exceeded the pride of those who did not belong to the church of God. That surprised me because I always thought that it would be non-LDS people who would persecute the LDS.

In all my years in the Church I haven't seen a lot of pride among the members. I don't see members persecuting people who are not members. Maybe I am unaware of it since I am a member. Maybe I don't know what it would be like to be a non-member living in Utah. Generally I experience more anger directed at Mormons than I do the other way around.


  1. You would not believe how many Mormons argued against our prophet during Prop 8. Intellectualism and "trusting in the arm of flesh" and "leaning upon our own understanding" is a dangerous form of pride and is alive and thriving in the Mormon community these days. Sad, but true.

  2. You also wouldn't believe how many LDS singles out here criticize Utah, Provo, and BYU. That's why I put "UT MORMN" on my license plate. Kind of an "in your face" thing.
