Friday, May 18, 2007

In a nutshell...

Wonder where that phrase came from. We're all a little squirelly anyway. So, here's my dilema. Remember way back when...I ordered a bunch of movies for Daniel from a piece of junk cleanflicks place in Utah? Well, we finally got our money back from them, and we thought it was all finished. Suddenly a few weeks ago we get all the movies! By then we've already ordered them from Daniel at the real Cleanflicks, and thus we didn't want to have anything to do with this company. So we sent the package back to them- pay on delivery, of course. Today we got the package back- they won't pay for it. haha. They want us to pay all the shipping for their mistake- about 45 dollars worth. Yeah right. I am so tempted to just give away these movies to our friends and be done with this whole ridiculous mess. But then I know I'll get slammed a few months down the road with a bill from them, and I'm not paying it. Blah. Oh Dad, did you hear about the discovery of King Herod's tomb at Herodium?! Yeah, he's a respected archeologist, but there's not much proof, and people are getting tired of all these ossuaries. Remember the whole Jesus tomb thing? Everything is blown out of proportion. I'm interested how Netzer is going to prove that it really is King Herod's final resting place. Why would he put his tomb on a hillside in full view when he was the most paranoid king ever? Doesn't make sense. Oh, you guys wanna hear what "the reverend" Al Sharpton had to say about Mitt Romney? "As for the one Mormon running for office, those that really believe in God will defeat him anyway, so don't worry about that. That's a temporary situation". haha. So we don't really believe in God? Funny that.
Sigh. Life is a little hard to keep in balance when you have a newborn. I just got pounded by US Bank. I haven't been able to keep track of finances lately, and yesterday I got online to check our various business and personal accounts...yeah, SEVEN overdraft fees in the personal account- seven. That's 31 dollars each. Um, okay. We're supposed to have overdraft protection- in that it won't let us use that card if we have no money in there. What happened? I don't know, but that's one more thing on my list to do...the list that I have no time for anymore. Jarem was so nice today. He took an hour off of work to help me clean the house- while Ari slept (thank heavens!) I deep cleaned the bathroom, and Jarem deep cleaned the kitchen. Oh, how it needed it. It's so nice to be able to walk barefoot again. Then Jarem vacuumed the rest of the house, and helped fold a bunch of laundry while I took care of Ari. I have all these plans each day, and mostly they don't happen. Ari has different plans. I am mortally afraid of getting pregnant again! I can't handle another year of being unable to contribute to life. It really takes me out of the working loop- and I can't help Jarem with the business because of nausea and newborns. haha. That should be the title of my new book- if I ever write one. Heck, I can't even keep a journal. This internet communication is my journal. And now I'm tired. Hasta la vista...


  1. Sorry about the movies thing! That does seem ridiculous that they want you to pay for the return shipping. I guess I'd just keep sending it to them until they pay for it. :) Maybe they'll get so sick of receiving and returning the same box over and over again, that they'll accept it. Can you contact them? Oh wait, I remember what a hassle that was.

    I have no idea what you're talking about with the discovery of Herod's tomb. I guess I haven't been keeping on top of world news. Sounds cool though.

    Al Sharpton made that comment about/to Mitt Romney a while ago and already issued an apology to the Church after he came to visit with President Hinckley and others of the Quorum of the Twelve. He was dumb to ever have made the just gave us even more publicity and it's been mostly positive for the Mormons.

    About never getting anything done...get used to it. It's so hard for me to let this one go, because I hate messes and can't function well in a disorganized, unclean house. But, I'm learning to clean some and rest some and play some, etc. A friend once shared with me a good idea. She said, "just set the timer for 15 minutes and clean what you can in that amount of time." She has worked up to two 15 minute cleaning sessions a day and feels pretty good about herself at the end of the day. She said it eliminates the overwhelming "oh-I-have-so-much-to-do" feeling and still allows you to have a somewhat clean home, even while taking time to relax, too. I don't know if this makes any sense, but it really is a good idea. Now, if only I could actually practice what I preach. :) My house builds up messes, and then I finally break down and have a whole day of cleaning and ignoring my kids. If I could stay on top of it with 15 minutes or 30 minutes a day, it'd be much better. Hmmm...maybe I'll go set the timer right now. :) Then again, maybe I'll just go eat. That's important too! :) Good luck!

  2. Sara! Dad here. One little way to save some time is to write slightly shorter blog entries. Hehe.

    One little phrase from this entry of yours caught my attention: you said something about wanting to "contribute to life" again.

    Seems to me that you're making one of the most important contributions to life you've ever made -- Ari's. The other things are almost all much less important. Enjoy him! (They do grow up very fast. We can testify to that.)

  3. Ah dad, you're right! Thanks. It's good to hear that. And Elizabeth, I was laughing so hard at the end of your comment. Your thought process is exactly what I go through each day. Hmm, I could clean, but I need to eat, oh, how about a shower, wait, the cat and dog need food, where's Jarem, gotta clean up the yard and water that plant- it looks a bit withered, Ari is screaming now...oh well. hehe. Did you know they make popcorn flavored jelly beans?! We just got some from the yw's stake leaders. Funny.
