Sunday, January 31, 2010

Healthy Eating Tip

I read something that has helped me be happy or content with eating healthy foods. When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, Satan was able to get Eve to take a bite of that fruit by focusing her attention on the one tree she couldn't have. He blinded her to the many fruits that were available to her.

He does the same with us. On a diet we routinely dream and think about the foods we can't have, forgetting the abundance of foods we can eat. Now instead of thinking of the high carb foods I can't have, I think about the chicken, beef, pork, avocadoes, olives, mushrooms, low-carb cheeses, carrots, lettuce, kale, sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes, eggs, nuts, etc, that I can have.

I'm always just a few hours away from eating again; it's nothing like fasting 24 hours each month. And there is always something good and tasty to eat. So, have fun thinking of all you can have instead of what you can't have.

1 comment:

  1. Great tip, Mom! I'll have to try that. I LOVE fresh fruits. Veggies are much harder for me. And I'll never give up bread. Nuh uh. No can do. :D
